Looking for FedRAMP approved services by function?
Ever run into problems quickly referencing the FedRAMP Marketplace for functional capabilities and run short? I know we have – the descriptions are light and functional capabilities are not clearly defined. Many FedRAMP architects and advisors building FedRAMP offerings have a working knowledge of what technologies can be leveraged depending on what impact / authorization level they are. However, there needs to be a faster way for the US Public Sector community to search for this.
FedRAMP Marketplace Overview
The FedRAMP Marketplace is the de facto place to check if the Government, CSPs (B2B), System Integrators, Managed Service Providers look for FedRAMP authorized cloud systems. (www.fedramp.gov/marketplace)
Each of these FedRAMP marketplace categories mean something different, such as: “FedRAMP Ready”, “FedRAMP In Process” and “FedRAMP Authorized”, JAB/Agency ATO (list goes on). On our most recent website visit (subject to change), we confirmed there were the following FedRAMP marketplace cloud offerings listed.

FedRAMP Marketplace Search Tool
The FedRAMP marketplace is a great starting point, but we have found it challenging to find a functional label based on industry category of what the product does. If you’re looking to build a FedRAMP compliant offering – there needs to be a faster way to search functional categories of a product in terms of cloud offering capabilities, like DNS, Endpoint Protection, SIEM, etc….
For niche products, it can take a while to find! There are over 300+ cloud services on the marketplace but finding specific capability or functional breadth is hard to find. For example – many of the FedRAMP approved offerings are just company name + product but it doesn’t map to a functional description (in a simplified view).
Our FedRAMP Marketplace Search by Function Tool we created does just that. Check our free search tool (beta) that outlines the functional cloud service capability better for quick validation of authorized products.
Enabling a simplified Marketplace search experience
Take a look at the search tool and let us know what you think? Our goal is to keep it updated over time so it can be a resource to the US Public Sector community. Our company focus is to simplify cybersecurity and cloud –we hope you enjoy our small community contribution.