
XRAMP – Security Assessments Evolved

Point in time security assessments have been around a long time. Do they provide the level of assurance that business, downstream customers, and the government expects? Is it enough in the digital world that is constantly evolving? The concept of continuous assurance isn’t new, but limited progress has been made in terms of the way we manage risk. This traditional assessment model will not change overnight, but there absolutely has to be a better to way improve it.


DNSSEC and FedRAMP Requirements

In this blog post, we delve into the world of DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) and how you can implement them effectively with AWS Route 53 to fortify your AWS infrastructure and meet FedRAMP requirements.

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Red Team FedRAMP Introduction

With the transition to NIST SP 800-53 rev 5 comes the requirement for more proactive, adversarial testing for those wishing to meet the moderate and high accreditation standard. Admittedly, the control as written leaves this requirement open-ended and in need of some interpretation to properly apply in the FedRAMP context.

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SOC 2 & FedRAMP – Why Fortreum is different

Audit time. It’s one of the most dreaded times of the year (or multiple times per year) for a security manager/CISO/administrator, etc. Is it because of the auditor? I’d like to hope not (at least for us)! Most often, it is TIME itself that is dreaded for assessments, and what is dreaded even more so is when there are multiple assessments running at the same time. How do cloud service providers move towards consolidated assessments (such as SOC 2 and FedRAMP) while preserving internal time and impact?

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